Thursday, November 21, 2013

My one of a kind coat

Coat made by me 

Am gasit acest material intr-un magazin si mi-a placut foarte mult imprimeul ,si chiar daca e destul de neobisnuit pentru a confectiona un palton din el, am decis sa incerc sa vad ce iese. Rezultatul ma face destul de multumita si sunt mandra sa port paltonul meu unicat :) 
Nu e cea mai usoara treaba de facut ( am taiat 50 de bucati de material pentru acest palton ) si intr-un fel inteleg preturile exorbitante din magazinele cu haine de calitate.

I found this fabric in a store and really liked the print , and even though it's pretty unusual for a coat, I decided to try and see what comes out. The result makes me pretty pleased and I am proud to wear my one of a kind coat :)
It's not the easiest thing to do (I cut 50 pieces of fabric for this coat) and somehow I understand the extravagant prices of quality clothing stores.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Do It Yourself : The Flower Crown


Toate femeile vor sa se simta ca niste zane la un moment dat, iar accesoriul perfect pentru a aduce basmul in viata lor este o coronita cu flori. Indiferent ca o vei purta la o ocazie speciala sau ca vei accesoriza o tinuta de zi , sau poate chiar fetita ta isi doreste sa fie o mica printesa, este accesoriul perfect pentru un look romantic. 
In acest tutorial voi prezenta o modalitate ieftina si usoara de a obtine coronita cu flori prezentata aici, cele din magazine fiind destul de costisitoare.

Aveti nevoie de :
- o cordeluta ieftina de plastic ( aceasta a costat 2 lei si are niste orificii din plastic perfecte pentru cusut)
- material textil mai rigid pentru flori ( taftaua e potrivita)
- material textil verde ( eu am folosit panglica de saten deoarece nu am avut altceva , dar nu o recomand deoarece se destrama usor)
- ac si ata

All women want to feel like fairies at a time, and the perfect accessory to bring the tale into their lives is a flower crown. Whether you wear it on a special occasion or you accessorize a casual outfit , or maybe your daughter wants to be a little princess, it's the perfect accessory for a romantic look.
In this tutorial I will present a cheap and easy way to get the flower crown presented here, those crowns you can find in stores are quite expensive.

Things you need:
- A cheap plastic headband (this one has little holes perfect for sewing)
- Stiff fabric for the flowers (taffeta is ok)
- Green fabric (I used satin ribbon because it was all I had at the moment, but I do not recommend it because it unweaves easily)
- Needle and thread
- scissors

1. Se taie fasii de material ( pe diagonala materialului pentru a nu se destrama ) cam de 4 cm latime si 30-35 cm lungime

1. Cut strips of fabric (on the bias ) about 4 cm wide and 30-35 cm long

   2. Se ruleaza fasia de material sub forma de trandafir si se coase la baza trandafirului .

   2. Roll the fabric strip to obtain a rose and sew the bottom of the rose.

    3. Din materialul verde se decupeaza frunzulite de dimensiunea trandafirilor.

    3. Cut little leaves from the green fabric .

    4. Se cos trandafirii si frunzulitele de cordeluta de plastic dupa pofta imaginatiei ( sau se lipesc, dupa caz) si coronita e gata . Usor de facut si de efect :)

        Poate fi un accesoriu potrivit si pentru mirese, daca se combina trandafiri confectionati din materiale in culori pastel : crem, nude, roz pudrat.

   4. Sew the roses and the little leaves on the plastic headband ( or glue them ) and the crown is done.

        The flower crown can be perfect for brides if you mix pastel roses like beige, nude, powder pink.


Friday, October 25, 2013

The Midi Skirt Reloaded

Shirt made by me
Skirt made by me

Am o slabiciune pentru peisajele si culorile de toamna si nu imi pot imagina un cadru mai frumos pentru a fotografia aceasta tinuta decat dealurile pestrite ale pitorescului judet Bistrita-Nasaud. :)
Fusta midi confera un aer romantic atemporal oricarei tinute.

I love autumn colours and landscapes and I can't imagine a more beautiful setting to shoot this outfit than the spotted hills of the spectacular Bistrita-Nasaud county from Romania .
The midi skirt gives a romantic and timeless state to any outfit.

Photos by Ovidiu Gaitan

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Bohemian Rhapsody

Dress made by me
Flower crown made by me

Una din marile mele pasiuni este fotografia, din aceasta cauza blogul meu este plin de poze artistice. Imi place sa creez scenarii desprinse din povesti pentru a fotografia hainele create de mine, nu doar sa le pozez pe un manechin. Am noroc cu fratele meu care este un fotograf foarte bun si imi intelege viziunea cand vine vorba de incadrare si compozitie.

Photography is one of my greatest passion , that's why my blog is full of artistic pictures. I like to create fairy tale scenarios to photograph the clothes designed by me, not just to pose them on a mannequin. I'm lucky my brother is a very good photographer and he understands my vision when it comes to framing and composition.

Photos by Ovidiu Gaitan

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Just another day at the office

Satin top made by me
Wool skirt made by me

Stiu ca e deja toamna si frig, dar trebuia sa postez poze cu aceasta tinuta de vara creata de mine. Fusta ati mai vazut-o aici ( face pereche minunata cu un sacou la fel de roz). Top-ul are un imprimeu floral deosebit, dar imi place sa il port cu tinute office pentru a le reduce din rigiditate. 

I know it's already fall and cold, but I had to post pictures of this summer outfit designed by me. You have seen the skirt here (it matches perfectly with a pink jacket ). The top has a beautiful floral print, but I like to wear it with office appropriate outfits in order to reduce stiffness.